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May 20, 2003, 11:45 a.m.

No, it's not a new article. But as some of you have noticed, I seem to have come to a grinding halt. I deeply appologize for this. Last week was particularly hellish in terms of stress and the new article I've been assigned is rather daunting. I'm setting a goal of tomorrow for the next update. In the mean time, I'll take this opportunity to give a round of thanks.

First off, to all the friends that have been reading thus far and giving me much needed critiques. Thanks for your time, your ideas for new articles, and your support. Thank you most of all for your honesty.

Secondly, I'd like to thank shadoe for accepting me into the Bloodstone web ring, along with the very nice comment she added along with it. I'll do my best to keep the content of my articles up to a thoughtful level.

The next article will be entitled "Finding the Right Dreams". How do I go about finding the dreams that will lead me down the path I want to follow? How do I separate idle fantasy from possible reality? Down the line, I plan to have articles on "Need vs Want", "Headspace After Orgasm", and "Switching Doms", just to name a few. Thank you everyone who reads Carus again for your interest. I'll get that article done soon.

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